Dan's CE 5160 Blog

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wait! That Computer's Still Good! (Week 8 - Blog of Choice)

Sure, we all want new computers, but sometimes, the money simply isn't there. If you have an old computer that freezes frequently, you have probably said to yourself, "this thing needs to go." So, ask for a new one. demand a new one, but whether you get a new one or not, keep the old one too. Give it a second life with Peppermint.

At the school where I work, I kept hearing teachers say things like, "my school computer is so slow, we can't even use it anymore." With no money in the budget for new computers, I began looking for ways to solve this problem. I came across Peppermint, a lightweight Linux operating system that breathes new life into old computers. Peppermint is designed for users who want easy access to web-based applications, which means it's Flash and Java ready out of the box.

I first installed Peppermint on a school computer that was practically left for dead. It's an old Dell with a Celeron processor and 756 MB RAM. It had Windows XP on it. Before I got rid of Windows (always a happy moment), I checked the system monitor (or whatever it's called in Windows). At idle, XP was using 500 to 600 MB of RAM, leaving only 150 to 250 MB for additional processes; it's no wonder this computer kept freezing. With Peppermint installed, this same computer would idle using less than 100 MB of RAM, leaving 650 MB to run the applications students need to use.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "If the OS only takes 100 MB to run, it can't be very functional." Wrong. First of all, Windows XP is about eight years old now; it doesn't look so hot anymore. Peppermint is new, and while it leaves out some of the nonessential visual effects included in the most powerful operating systems of today, it does not sacrifice functionality. Peppermint is based on Lubuntu, a lightweight version of Ubuntu (the most popular desktop Linux distribution); as such, you have access to about 25,000 applications from the Software Manager.

Peppermint is fast and easy to use. Whether you're stuck with an old computer that just won't move or you are looking for an operating system that is geared to web applications, you should give Peppermint a try. Why not? It's Linux, it's free.

Peppermint OS Desktop

Jolicloud: An Operating System Designed for Web 2.0 (Podcast)

I was going to do my podcast on Peppermint Ice, a lightweight Ubuntu-based Linux operating system that emphasizes web applications. That was before I learned of Jolicloud. According to Distrowatch, a new version of Jolicloud just came out last week; that's how I heard about it. Naturally, I had to try it. I first installed in a virtual machine, tried it out, and then decided to install it on my netbook. It's excellent for netbooks. Check out my podcast about it (I decided not to embed the video - it was too small).

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chapter 5 (Week 10)

The authors are exactly right when they argue professional development must be done as a community of learners in order to be successful. I was excited to read this because I tried to form a technology committee at my school for this very reason. I know teachers (and all workers) are more likely to change the way they do things if they are working together. The trouble is finding the time.

Teachers are often busy just keeping up with planning and assessing, forget about learning new ways of teaching. At my school, many teachers where multiple hats, and exactly half of the teachers are also currently pursing Master degrees. This does not mean it is impossible, but teachers need strong administrative support in order to embark on this endeavor. With little time and effort to spare, teachers need their leaders to make technology integration a priority.

I went to a two-day technology workshop in November. I was the only teacher from my school in attendance, and many of the teachers around me were completely lost. One teacher seemed to be using a web browser for the first time. The workshop meanwhile was essentially presentation of a smattering of web 2.0 tools. This was fine with me. About half of the tools were new to me, and about half of those seemed useful. I am already quite comfortable using technology so I did not have a hard time embracing these new tools, but I think most teachers need more, and even those of of who are able to easily use computers still need help bringing these tools into our classrooms.

I think the ideal situation would be to have technological integration staff at the school and a committee of teachers to lead the rest of the school bringing more technology into learning and instruction. Schools need staff with the expertise and time to help other teachers implement this new way of learning. Obviously, there are often fiscal obstacles to such an approach and it may be prudent to share technology support staff among different schools. Each school will have a different solution, but avoiding or ignoring the issue is a huge mistake, one our students cannot afford for us to make.

Chapter 8 (Week 9)

The section of this chapter that especially struck was the one about uses of technology in Special Education. I have never worked with any students with the sorts of physical impairments that would require the adaptations they discuss in this section, but I have worked with plenty of students with learning disabilities and I'm interested finding ways that technology can assist them (and me). That said, I also have some reservations about the long-term usefulness of some of the adaptations made for students with learning disabilities.

I have a student right now who can read, but not well. Her biggest problem is she cannot (or will not) focus. Most of the time she refuses to read, but does not want to listen to explanations or discuss the topics. The subject is Economics, which even I do not find all that interesting. I have been searching for games and interactive resources for teaching economics but everything I find is either intended for grade school or is too advanced. I have considered trying to make my own content, using audio and maybe some combination of homemade videos and voki to explain the content and present questions, but this would be a lot of work for me.

Besides the time that such and endeavor would take for me, I also have to ask myself what the student is taking away from such an experience. It's great if she could actually learn about Economics, but wouldn't it be more beneficial for her to learn how to obtain information on her own. She isn't going to have someone to spend hours modifying sources of information into her preferred medium all the time. She needs to be able to read and listen.

A third option which I'm sure many of you have already considered is having her create the content. The trouble there is that she needs to obtain the information first in order to do so. Sure, an interesting project might motivate her and this probably is how I will try to get her to do at least a little reading, but I have tried this approach in the past and had little success. Often, when I try to get my students to create anything, they lack the motivation and focus to accomplish anything.

I have strayed slightly from the main topic. Technology can provide valuable accommodations learners with special needs, but it should not replace more traditional ways of doing things. Students need to be able to listen to other people in order to perform well in the workplace. They need to be able to read in order to take control of their own learning. Otherwise, they will only have access to the limited content in other forms of media, which is extensive for sure, but will never surpass written expression.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chapter 3 (Week 7)

As the authors say, it is hard to talk about the internet without talking about Google. For better or worse (and probably a combination of the two) Google has had a profound impact on the internet. For my part I tend to be pleased with most things Google has to offer, and while there are some changes I would like to see, it is tremendous that Google continues to provide such a wealth of free services to everyone.

The biggest complaint I have heard from people about Google is the accusation that Google sells page ranks. While it is understandable that people would be upset about this, the accusation is completely erroneous. Google does sell advertisements, but they are clearly labeled as such. The trouble, I believe, is  the Google search process, while quite effective, is not easy to understand. The video below is Google's explanation of how it works.

I use a lot of Google products for personal use and with my students. Here are my favorites. Gmail is essential. It is secure, reliable, and easy to use. I have two accounts (one for personal use and one I use with my students). I use Google Calendar religiously, and I have tried to get my co-workers to use it too. We have shared calendars at work but there are many staff who still prefer to use one big paper calendar in the main office, which isn't very useful unless your in the main office. I use Google Docs with my students for a number of reasons. Originally, it was out of necessity. The computers at my school freeze often, and students lose their work. MS Office became especially problematic. Because Google Docs saves automatically and students can access their files without have to log on their account on the server (we also have issues with our server), it became a wonderful solution.

Before I migrated to Linux, I used Google SketchUp a lot. It is a great program. I used to design the remodel I am doing on my house, and I I have also used it with my Wood Shop students. I wish Google would make a Linux version of it. This is especially disappointing because Linux is so widely used by Google and its employees. In fact, Google does not permit its employees to use Windows (except of course for testing). Apparently, Google does not produce a Linux version of SketchUp because there are simply so many more Windows users than Linux-users. We'll get there someday.

My most recent complaint about Google is related to the image search. It seems there is no way to be certain offensive images will not appear in an image search. This is especially troubling for teachers in Elementary schools. It would be nice if Google offered a kid-friendly image search. Even "Strict Safe-Search" doesn't cut it. Nonetheless, Google is indispensable in the classroom.

I am trying to get my principal to embrace Google Apps, and to use it to replace our current email server. Why pay for lousy email service when you can get it free from Google?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Educators Should Try Linux (Week 6: Blog of Choice)

Back in January, I wrote about why I switched to Linux. Now, I want to share with you a list of reasons, why I believe educators especially should try Linux. I'm not going to try to convince you to abandon Windows or Mac; I actually think it's good to be proficient in more than one operating system. Speaking of operating systems, I need to clarify what Linux is. Linux is not an operating system. It is a kernel (think of it as the core of an operating system); there are many operating systems that use the Linux kernel. These are often called distributions or distros. For the purpose of this post, I will use the term Linux to refer to the whole body of Linux distributions, and will specify when I am talking about the kernel itself.

Why Educators should try Linux (Distros)

In no particular order here is a list of reasons to try Linux if you are an educator:

  • Linux is open-source. It's built on the ideals of collaboration and connectivism. Developers make new distributions based on the distributions of others. For instance, I am using Linux Mint right now. This distro was based on another distro called Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. These distros are not made by the same company or organization. There is some collaboration between these groups, but the idea is that anyone can take the code of one distro and use it as a base for another. Talk about sharing knowledge and ideas. Imagine someone asking Bill Gates, "Hey, could I just take a look at the source-code for Windows 7. I want to make a better version." If you support collaboration and connectivism as an educator then you should embrace the spirit of Linux.

  • It's free. Schools are always looking for ways to do more and save money. Linux operating systems are completely free and many distros give you access to thousands of free programs (more about this later). You never have to pay to upgrade to latest version. You can download an operating system, burn a CD, and put it on your computers without ever having to worry about licenses. 
  • Distros like Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint offer the Software Manager. This is akin to Apple's App Store but everything is free and we're talking about full-featured computer applications. The Software Manager makes it easy to find new programs. This is especially good to new users who may not be familiar with the software offerings of Linux. The software is sorted into categories, including one for educational software.
  • Learning a new operating system is a great way to enhance your y(or your students') information technology literacy because it forces you to escape from memorized procedures you never really understood. You have to think about how to do something. The basic tasks for which most people use a computers are pretty easy to figure out with most Linux distros, but there are fundamental differences in the way things are done in Linux. I have been using a Macs for eight years and even though I only started using Linux a few months ago, I have already discovered several new tricks through learning Linux that I can use on my Mac too.
  • There is no risk in trying. You don't have to buy a new computer or install Linux over your existing operating system. In fact, you can try many disoutros without installing anything. Many distros will run from a "Live CD". It's just like running any other software from a CD except in most cases you must boot from the CD. When running from the CD, it will be slower than if you installed the OS but you will be able to check it out at least.
  • Many distros come with the ability to partition your hard drive using a graphical user interface. In other words, if you choose to install Linux, you can still keep Windows or Mac on your machine. I do this on my Macbook, which I'm using right now. When I turn on the computer, I choose whether I want to boot Mac Snow Leopard  or Linux Mint 10. You can also run Linux in a virtual machine like Virtual Box as long as your hardware is sufficient.
  • There are several great "light-weight" distros for lower-spec computers. I have used a few different ones including Lubuntu, Peppermint OS, and Mint LXDE. These distros are great for older computers, you know the ones at your school that everyone says are too slow. Slap a light-weight Linux distro on there and you'll be amazed at what those machines can still do. These distros can be especially useful to schools that cannot afford to buy newer equipment. I converted a couple of our school computers to Peppermint, and now other teachers are asking, "can you do that to mine too?" These light-weight distros use less of your computer's resources, saving you RAM and processor speed to run the applications you need to use. You sacrifice a little eye-candy, but these are new operating systems, so they still look nicer than Windows XP.
  • If you are a Mac user then chances are you have run into the issue of not being able to run some particular program on you computer because it was only available for Windows. This problem actually keeps people from leaving Windows, but it's a self-fulfilling prophecy; software companies are only willing to produce versions of software for operating systems with the largest number of users. The same problem is true for Linux. There is no reason proprietary software cannot be made available for Linux in fact there is some proprietary software for Linux distros. There will be more when there are more users. Educators are in an especially good position to cause change in this area or to prevent it for that matter, because their software choices stick. Educators should prepare their students to use a variety of operating systems and should actively encourage companies to make their software available for Linux.
  • Students interested in software engineering should definitely be exposed to Linux. Not only is the Linux community strong, open, and very supportive, but student-developers can work with the code for other developer's programs. Programs like this would also spur more open-source development which could further benefit schools by contributing to the growing abundance of applications available for free.
  • Linux is fun. There are a lot of cool features in Ubuntu and Linux Mint. I am used to the visual features that Mac offers and when I first started using Linux, I figured I would never get anything comparable. As it turns out, there are more visual features available. Some are useful and really cool looking like the rotating cube, while others are just fun like wobbly windows.
  • When you need support using Windows or Mac, what do you do? Do you call a hotline? Do you PAY for support? When I'm using Linux and I need technical support, I usually start with a forum (most developer have a forum on their website). Other users will often help, and often I have even received help from the creators of the software. Talk about building your personal learning network.
  • What else are you going to do with all those vacations teachers get? Check out Linux. Embrace the open source movement.
Check out the distros below:

For computers with at least 1 GB of RAM and an ok proceossor check out Ubuntu or Linux Mint 10

For computers with low specs (less than 756MB RAM): check out Peppermint Ice and Linux Mint 10 LXDE.

If you are using an old Mac like an iBook or an iMac. Try MintPPC or Lubuntu. Be prepared: this is not as easy as installing on more common architectures; the old Macs used PowerPC processors which are not commonly supported anymore. It's a bit easier to install Lubuntu (instructions for Mac install here), but in either case, you will need to follow the instructions carefully. You might also want to check out Debian.

Have Fun!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 9: Brian Crosby's Classroom

Brian Crosby's presentation of his classroom was refreshing. A lot of the ideas we have explored this semester are exciting to me, but many seem so far out of reach. For instance, watching the video about the Project-Based Learning school in Minnesota was exciting. I have to admit I'm envious of the whole program. What an excellent way to learn! I wish I had gone to a high school like that, and I would love to be able to teach in that sort of environment, but the reality is I don't.

It is easy to get lost in a sea of possibilities when studying education, and that's not always a bad thing. Nonetheless, I have to focus on the ways I can improve my instruction for my current students in the school where I currently teach. Having said that, a curriculum based on students choosing projects is not going to happen anytime soon at my school, and frankly I have my doubts that it would work well with our student population. That's not to say our students cannot benefit from project-based learning, but most of them do not have the motivation or character to take responsibility for their learning. I see this frequently while teaching Wood Shop. I have very few students who are willing to own their work. Project-based learning at my school would have to be more teacher-driven, I believe, at least in most cases.

Brian's presentation was encouraging because I can actually see a lot of his ideas being possible for me to implement in my current situation. Granted, everything he did with his class must have required an extraordinary amount of planning. I seem to find myself struggling to keep up with planning as it is. Each semester I have taught, I have taken on another course I have never taught before. I like the change, but it's hard to come up with a semester worth of curriculum in the middle of the year. At the moment, finding the time to plan far enough ahead to complete a project like that one Brian presented seems unlikely, but summer will come eventually.

For this semester, I think I will find small ways in which to introduce project-based learning. I would like to do it with all of my students, but I might start with the more advanced students. Again, I think all students can gain equally from PBL, but I think I would have a very hard time getting most of my students to design their own projects and an equally hard time getting them to buy-in to any project I present to them.