Dan's CE 5160 Blog

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 2 - Chapter One

The first chapter is a justification for the book. The authors discuss how prevalent technology is already and present the notion that technology can transform the learning environment. They also discuss how technology can help learners think at higher levels.

In the section about 21st century skills, the authors emphasize that learning how to use technology is an essential part of education. Students need to develop information technology literacy in order to become viable workers and productive citizens in an increasingly globalized and competitive world. This is just as important as learning to read and write. Students who are not educated in the use of technology are at an extreme disadvantage.

On the flip side, when teachers infuse technology into learning and instruction, they not only provide students with a chance to learn technology, they provide students with a better learning experience. Ubiquitous computing in the classroom contributes to a student-centered learning environment. Students have more opportunities to create and collaborate, and find a learning style that works for them. Lastly, computers help students learn how to continue learning, which should be the goal of every teacher.


  1. Dan I completely agree with your philosophy on how teaching with computers should be about learning to learn! I think in a very real sense when you teach in an Internet computer lab one of the essential questions for students should include something like: Have students mastered the acquisition of material in a format genre associated with their learning strengths? Have students collected and mastered use of tools for limiting any learning weaknesses? My limited experience is that students introduced to materials that assist their learning gravitate towards those tools, which to me is really teaching. What education needs to comprehend is that the type of knowledge a student finds interesting and they method of obtaining that knowledge is best determined by the student. The teacher should be the tour guide pointing out the highlights but the decision to dig deeper remains the student’s decision not the teachers or the curriculum.

  2. I completely agree with your thoughts, Dan! What you said in your post is the reason why I decided to get my certification in computer technology education. It is so important that teachers are educated in these new technologies so they can pass this information onto their students. I believe that within the next five to ten years, our classrooms are going to become very technology driven. I am very excited to be a part of such an ongoing process of adding technology to education.
